Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Pastor's Concern Regarding Eastern Synod’s Actions

In a letter sent to Bishop Schultz and National Church Council, Rev. K. Glen Johnson (Ascension, Calgary), expresses his deep concern with respect to the recent Eastern Synod Convention's approval of a motion allowing congregations to decide whether or not to bless same-sex unions.


August 5, 2006

A Pastor's Concern Regarding Eastern Synod’s Actions

Dear Bishop Schultz and members and advisors of the National Church Council:

I have learned over the years to be surprised by nothing. But I must confess that I was absolutely amazed by the motion passed by the Eastern Synod and the explanation that accompanied it.

Our National Church, in convention last summer, when it defeated the motion brought forward by the NCC on same sex blessings, affirmed that there would be no change in our teaching on sexuality, and that we would not permit the blessing of same-sex unions, under any circumstances.

The explanation to the motion passed by the Eastern Synod suggested that our Church could not agree on this matter and therefore Synods could operate as they pleased. In the period of the Judges we are told that everyone did what was right in their own eyes. In passing this motion the Eastern Synod has cast aside all semblance of truth, concerning this issue, and determined that they simply have the authority to do what is right in their own eyes.

In the Psalms we are told of those who know not God; that there is no fear of God before their eyes. Can it be not said of us that there is no fear of God before our eyes? When we misrepresent the truth and use the name of God in so doing, we demonstrate that there is no fear of God before our eyes.

We are told in the book of Acts that when Ananias and Saphira fell down dead after misrepresenting the truth, that great fear fell upon the Church. No one has fallen dead, thus far, as far as we can determine, but our whole church is in decline, in disrepair, in dispute and in meltdown. This meltdown has been evident in our midst for years but we seem unable to recognize and name it, perhaps a judgment on us all. It is a fearful thing to lie to the Holy Spirit and we do well to fear God and ensure that we do not take that name in vain by our actions and by our misrepresentations.

I wish you every blessing in your deliberations on this matter. It was the National Church Council that began this problem with its original recommendation to the Church, following the motion of the Eastern Synod to the NCC in 2004. It is your obligation, as our leaders and our elders, to acknowledge in repentance your role in this debacle. For my part, I will ensure that there is both private and public prayer on your behalf in the midst of our congregation.

We are not dealing with a matter of simple pastoral practice. We are dealing with the Scriptural, Confessional and Ecumenical witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We cannot simply allow synods and pastors to do what is right in their own eyes when it contradicts the teaching of the Church. We can no longer continue to function without any fear of God before our own eyes. We must acknowledge the meltdown that is occurring in our midst and our own responsibility for the same. Anything short of this will ensure that the meltdown will continue.

This letter is forwarded in the knowledge that every last one of us shares the responsibility for this ongoing disaster. May God lead us all to fear and love and trust in God, above everything else!

In Christ,

K. Glen Johnson