Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Openly Gay Lutheran Pastors Defy the ELCA

There are two reports at the Lutherans Concerned web site of pastors in homosexual relationships being ordained to serve as pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). One pastor is being ordained at a Ebenezer Lutheran Church in San Francisco. That church also known as "Her Church" is described by Lutherans Concerned as "known for its cutting edge ministry and 're-imaging' what it means to be church". The other pastor was to be ordained at a church in Chicago. Both ordinations are taking place with the full knowledge that they are in opposition to policies of the ELCA. A March report from the WordAlone network indicated that organizations such as Lutherans Concerned are working together to raise $2 million to further their cause for change in the ELCA as they consider the ELCA to be at a "tipping point, a critical juncture".